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Riverflyers Wanted!

Moving on with our growing network of Windrush River Watchers we are doing some riverfly training at Naunton on 4th September. Start time 10 am and finish about 4.30 pm.

This is how we survey, identify and count invertebrates to indicate the health of the river. It is part of a national scheme. Google to see more. If you like the idea, read on and get in touch.

When trained you will get an area of river to cover and be expected to do around a survey a month, weather permitting. It is best to work in pairs. A survey takes about 1 - 2 hours including getting prepared and accessing the river etc.

Naunton is a bit away for some of you but by going there you will see what the invertebrate life should look like and we can share transport.

Light lunch and refreshments will be provided and you will be supplied with kit. You just need to be reasonably fit and mobile, wear sensible outdoor clothing and have wellington boots or waders if you have them.

Let us know via asap as places will be limited.

By the way, it is really facscinating!

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