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WASP's Tribute to Philip Barnett

This is WASP's farewell to a remarkable campaigner who sadly passed away on 8th July.

The natural beauty of a healthy river - worth fighting for

Philip was the founder and driving force behind Clanfield Residents Against Pollution's fight with Thames Water to stop it treating the edge of the village as a dumping ground for untreated sewage and to force it to do what the village pays it to do - the job properly

Back in 2020 the underinvestment and neglect that left Thames Water staff trying to work in impossible circumstances was being ignored, not only by the company, but also by the Environment Agency. Living just down the road was a man who was about to shake things up.

On 11th January 2020 Philip sent me two photos he had taken of pollution in Marsh Lane - and so began a flurry of information and ideas about how to investigate and tackle the sewage pollution being discharged so blatantly and, it would soon transpire, illegally. His investigations and analyses were extensive and remarkable.

Philip's polite and precise style of campaigning, blended with his dry humour, illustrated by the choice of acronym for the Clanfield campaign, was the perfect combination for the challenge.

The Cockerell was resident at Clanfield Sewage Works for a while before being move on to another happy home, we hope.

Philip was retired from paid work but was an experienced engineer and his investigations of the hydrology of the site, along with his brother Steve with a similar technical background, formed the basis of Philips' engagement with Thames Water and the Environment Agency. This was very much campaigning for the modern age where the public has to fight fake news and false reassurances with hard facts and solid methodology. Philip was exceptionally good at doing just that - and so politely and effectively.

He made Clanfield a priority for Thames Water, where it had been written off and ignored, and the massive amount of attention this small site has since attracted from the company, local politicians and the Environment Agency is entirely down to him working for the community and the wildlife that otherwise has no voice.

We remember Philip with gratitude for having known and worked with him, and great respect and thanks for all he did.

Philip was 76 years old and leaves a wife, two daughters and two young



3 comentários

Steve Empidog Reynolds
Steve Empidog Reynolds
31 de jul.

RIP Philip and thank you.


Michael Oliver
Michael Oliver
30 de jul.

Sad to read of his passing, but he leaves a great legacy behind that will inspire all of us.

Mike Oliver Secretary Mond A.S.


30 de jul.

What a great contribution from Philip to the future of rivers and seas, wildlife and everything that depends on them! Raising a ruckus also brought the issue to thousands of people locally (via CRAP) and nationally - another thing for incredible amounts of gratitude to be paid to Philip and his memory. His family must be very proud of him! Steve - thank you so much - please keep up with your vital work as you can - what a wonderful collaboration you brothers achieved. Katrina Robinson. WASP member

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